The Real Reason You Are Here

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I watched “The Secret” a few days ago. I love this program.. by far. It got me thinking about why I am here. So many times, we think about the purpose and what it means for us. But what does it really mean?

Many years ago, after I spent some time looking into myself and the meaning of life, I wrote this underlying question in my journal:

“What is the real reason why we are here, the big picture?”

Some people might say – What! How are you supposed to know this for sure..? It is a bit of a tall order to think in such detail when it comes to trying to answer that question.

I think it is THE reason for you to be here. I read all the spiritual books by Eckhart Tolle back then and still find something new in them now. Perhaps you will find something new in them as well.

We obviously can’t experience the whole road to full spiritual awakening in one day, although there is no reason to think that you won’t be able to have the experience. With each new insight, I get, I learn more about the real meaning of life.

You may be wondering what did you mean when you wrote that title.

Could it be that the reason we are here is to make up all those stories and dramas to have an interesting and meaningful life that we can achieve emotionally and remain blissful from within? If that is the case, then I genuinely believe that we are all strongly shaped for the purpose of allowing us to experience the dramas.

You are here to experience THAT blissful state of self where we are totally focused on our true nature. Not just to survive and get by, but to know, to feel, and love unconditionally.

Everything is a drama. Love is the biggest, most powerful act of drama there is. We are the acting.

Everything is a TEST. We are trying to see how much we can love—tested… tested by what? Tested by our fulfillment or Testing Ground of Reasoning.

Many years ago, counter-Strike was the new game on the battlefield of war. Now the computer has been detuned to send out all those server errors. It is just a devastating amount of errors that have crippled the mainframe of the world at large. Perhaps you have been the victim of many of these errors in the past few days. I am sorry to say that I, too have been hit by the server failures so that I could share this message with all of you.

To access the source of the Feeling of Being is to feel reason, thought, conversation, interaction, and Aidrom interaction. Testimming is the true meaning of Take My Actions. Testimming is to feel reason, thought, conversation, and undercoating.

The reasoning is what this world is made of. We know that God is not Reason but only Feeling. So then, this world is also made of Feeling. Here is where the Feeling of Being comes in. Everything has its reason, but the highest Feeling is Reason. The reason is what our higher consciousness functions from in order to perceive the reality of form. Your higher consciousness, or sixth sense, is what is called by many names: intuition, discernment, inspirational thought, and even Feeling. All These Names stemmed from the fact that when our Reasoning faculty is activated, it is like a radio attuned to the frequency of reason, and twenty-four hours a day it picks up the broadcast of Feeling, and functions in harmony with the feelings without really knowing or writing logic, however, it does, nevertheless.

With this awareness, together with Desire, you know why you dream, what you eat, what you speak, or what you do. You might even want to know the why of your childhood and all the fascinating chapters of your childhood: why you turned out the way you did, why you laugh, and the things you love. Your Reasoning faculty is the differentiation of one kind of feeling from another, and from a scriptural perspective, it lines up with the will of God. All Feeling is an assignment, and in order to feed your Feeling faculty, you must feed in Satisfaction as well.

You will never be satisfied with what you feed the Feeling faculty because Feeling is the motivation and essence of the motivation behind our motivation. If you try to run away from it, the outcome is that you will sink your whole being into an unfulfilled state because what you unfully feel is what you will operate from and what you will reap.

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