Category Archives: General

A Circular Beast or An Evil Person – Which Artist Draws You?

I was introduced to Artistic Illustration by a friend in 2006. I was intrigued by the notion that an individual can take a few simple lines of text and expose it to an outrageous degree of attitude. Be it a lovesick heart or devilish envy, the lines of text make an irreverent impression. It leaves an impression of the unknown. Immediately I was inspired by interpretations that focused on anger. Before long, I was observing the simple exhibits of a selfish imagination. It had a unique way […]

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A Few Things You Can Do To Grow Spiritually

A farmer who had no sense in his right eye told me that he used to pluck traps with his bare hands, back and legs. Now, he could no longer remember how to fish, but he could remember the traps he knew how to set. He also told me that someone had put up one of the biggest, most secure walls; it was an affair totally protected from the weather, wind, and any other elements. Yet, the farmworkers at the time discovered it was 90 feet long, […]

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The Apostle Paul’s Threefold Ministry of Spiritual Warfare

To begin with, we should realize that Paul was an octogenarian. He is said to have been present at the birth of Jesus and the resurrection, and many variations of his name have been used to refer to him. He was beset by adversaries (Galatians), so it would be difficult to defend him as being anything other than a mustard seed Christian. Later writers had roundly criticized the Philippians, so it is assumed that Paul had dealt with this. The Gospels make no mention or reference to […]

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The Treasure Chest of the Spirit

There is a chest of treasures that have been hidden in the burial tomb of an oak tree for over 2,000 years. The lid is partly off and the contents are quite astounding. Out of the 27 pieces that were recovered, it is the carving of a god in the image of the sun god- sun god sun at a mystery location in the ancient ocean. Seven of the pieces are dated to the era when the Persians ruled over the region. There is no way to […]

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Spiritual Growth – Slow and Steady

“The future is not here, the past is always here. The future is not here; the past is always here.” -Rabindranath Tagore I am no stranger to the world of metaphysics; somewhere, I discovered the mantle of spirituality and want to travel the world and learn about different beliefs. I am a Hindu by birth but have also developed a great respect for Buddha. I respect the teachings of both Hinduism and Buddhism. As metaphysicians, or ” seekers”, we should be open to other philosophies, belief systems, […]

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Reality and the Creation of Subordinate Systems of Reality

The actual reality is one that is in harmony with the inner voice of the one who experiences it. The voice may come from the God, from the Archangel, or from another person. The creation of a real system in which a person experiences reality is done through the following four steps. First, the event causes a person to forget his real self and to believe the dream to be his reality. Second, the person thinks the dream is reality and seeks to implement it in his […]

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There May Be Times in Your Life When You Feel Completely Spent, But These are vulnerability Issues!

There are times when you may feel as though you are so totally “spent” that you have no more tokens to spend for more ‘quick goals… But the fact is that as long as you DO continue to seek to progress to greater glory in Christ, you will continue to encounter challenges to increase your discipleship. Hence, the phrase “Perseverance is the key to overcoming” (Excerpt from author’s book…will repent) Perseverance simply means ” Keeping awake”. But what does it mean in the context of our subject […]

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How to Live Naturally

Buy economic (fluorescent) lamps – they consume up to 40% less energy than regular bulbs. Don’t drive to close distances – better walk or bike. Set your tap water heater to a lower temperature. Use wooden furniture, doors, windows, and floor instead of plastic. Use a laptop instead of a desktop computer – laptops usually consume about 90% less energy. Besides, laptops usually produce less noise. Buy only naturally grown and prepared food. Recycle everything that can be recycled: paper, glass, plastics. Have your car tires fully […]

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What is God Doing?

The creative aspect of God is most known. In the creation of all things, he had such an intense desire for his own existence that he chose to create living things just for its enjoyment; to fill the void of where he would be, and so he formed the world as we now know it. Another aspect of God is the whatever, whatever it is that he is doing; whatever it is that he is the most passionate about, and so it is the evangelism of God […]

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The Real Reason You Are Here

I watched “The Secret” a few days ago. I love this program.. by far. It got me thinking about why I am here. So many times, we think about the purpose and what it means for us. But what does it really mean? Many years ago, after I spent some time looking into myself and the meaning of life, I wrote this underlying question in my journal: “What is the real reason why we are here, the big picture?” Some people might say – What! How are […]

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