Reality and the Creation of Subordinate Systems of Reality

The actual reality is one that is in harmony with the inner voice of the one who experiences it. The voice may come from the God, from the Archangel, or from another person. The creation of a real system in which a person experiences reality is done through the following four steps.
First, the event causes a person to forget his real self and to believe the dream to be his reality. Second, the person thinks the dream is reality and seeks to implement it in his life. Third, the person creates a real system through his beliefs about, and intentions about, himself and his life. His “ionics” consists of his “ionics system” or “mind stuff.”
The second step, the creation of a real system, begins with the person’s thoughts, decisions, and actions in creating a whole, which includes his body, but not yet his identity or spirit. The creation of a whole begins with the non-physical levels of his system, and they are usually formed first by some psychic patterns. These are non-physical psychic patterns in finer or finer vibrational grades, and these are the original psychic patterns that create the non-physical body. These lower levels are called “etheric bodies.”
Suppose a person creates a non-physical reality system with his thoughts, decisions, and actions at some point in the future. In that case, he will experience this creation and these lower levels of consciousness he is familiar with through the bodies they create. He experiences them first with the animals, especially with plants, forest animals, flowers, and trees. However, suppose a person lives too long upon the physical plane without achieving the goals he seeks. In that case, one begins to lose the freedom to choose whether to stay on the plane that was created with his own choices or to slide down toward the astral plane, gaining even greater control over his life and reality.
If a person is also experiencing his physical reality through the body he creates, he could become ill and not reach a sleep state. This assumes that the health of the body determines the quality of the dreams since if the body is healthy there is less chance of getting affected by the astral stuff.
If you just can’t reach the sleep state because your body is too tired, you may still be able to see others, depending on how healthy your body is. You can fly if your body is healthy and you are in good shape. You also might just Rapture or float out of the body, or you might just appear to be dead. In the case of Rapture, it is not the death of your physical body that causes the Rapture, but rather the lack of a physical body, and this seems to be the usual case.
Those who just can’t Rapture don’t usually have too many problems with astral and another unexplained phenomena. One of the big problems is that their non-physical mind will just Rapture along, leaving all their problems behind. Also, non-physical beings such as Golems are most welcome to help those who Rapture and assist in clearing the negativity and creating peace.
Earthbound dreams and non-physical reality may seem to be the same thing due to the fact that these dream pools are mostly a non-physical matrix, a massive concentration of the non-physical energies and objects of our reality. The problem with these dream pools is that they are constantly influenced by physical and non-physical entities passing through them. Not everything in these Dream Universe realities is of a “self-aware consciousness.”
These physical realities are a reflection of our physical Universe, a mirror- reflection, almost, of the physical world we call “Earth.” These other realities are usually hidden from us, although we may be able to perceive their contents. The many different reality systems, or planes, which exist within the physical Universe are all separate from our reality system and from each other.
They were all originally founded on the thought of a non-physical, Cosmic Ray gaseous flow originating from a Universal Prime Group. The thought of this stream of energy was enough to break the Cosmic Ray’s powerful influences into many different systems in the psychic and astral Universe. (See Study of Supercasualwinks.)
Subtle Oils, energizing sense objectives, creative and inspirational thoughts, at the behest of the Divine Ray, were directed toward humanity by those spiritual Beings, such as myself, and passed through the invitation in subtle, mind- bombardment or vaporization, forming, through the sexual union of the male and female, concentric circles, spheres, and rays.