A Few Things You Can Do To Grow Spiritually

A farmer who had no sense in his right eye told me that he used to pluck traps with his bare hands, back and legs. Now, he could no longer remember how to fish, but he could remember the traps he knew how to set.
He also told me that someone had put up one of the biggest, most secure walls; it was an affair totally protected from the weather, wind, and any other elements. Yet, the farmworkers at the time discovered it was 90 feet long, 18 feet high, 7 feet wide, and 2 feet thick. It was Weighted enough to kill a full-grown cow in one week’s time!
I asked him how he knew the thing was there and what mechanism could set such a powerful wall up. He showed me the key, a stone placed inside.
The obvious next question is: What on earth made such a strong, impossible object to be placed inside a hollow? Yet, I believe there is a reason. I will not go into it now, I have mentioned it before, but I will say that the simple answer is Faith. If the Roman Catholic Church had not been so corrupt and lethargic regarding payments of its members, nothing like this would ever have happened.
I mentioned before that a thing is always closer than we think, and in this case, the further question is “Why did such a thing happen?”. It was not just a poetic verse or a lucky guess, and there is no lack of explanation for that either. For one thing, there is the Enoch cohort with whom we are familiar, and he had spent his life wandering in the earth. Enoch and Elijah were covenanted with Abraham, and their names are mentioned in the Pentateuch (the last book of the Bible). A set of Hebrew people had been promised a place in the heavens, and then it all went wrong.
You also have to consider that the Roman Empire was corrupt. I say, cruelly, corrupt as in perversion and depravity. Men committed great evils, and I dare say that many of those that read this article have done some such things. I know that I have not done any of those things, but I suspect that many of you have done some little things that you have not gotten caught for, and may not ever get the lesson. I also know that our prayers do not seem to be very sentient. I know that Faith is the one thing that is missing in my life, and so is my hope.
Nothing spectacular has happened in the scheme of things, but as Christians, we should be the ones who see it in ourselves as a blessed opportunity instead of something evil that we do. I know that sounds a bit oversimplified, or rather, I think it is overstated. Sometimes a plan is just laid out, and nothing is done before the plan is implemented, and so, the obvious is what happens, and no one gets hurt, but, things get done wrong, and what is supposed to happen does not, and so… that is why bad things happen. Some things do not get done with a clear conscience, and things go on and on and on, and the bad things still happen. I know, I know, I have been there myself, and that is why I have a clear conscience. The point is, to have a clear conscience, it is not enough to have Faith, it is not enough to believe in God, His word, His ways, His pastors and His servants, His doctors, His schoolteachers, or any of His followers, he has actually to DO something with the good he has. Most people just believe, they believe and gather around the bad side of reality, and these are the “true Christians”. The Pope has stated that those who do not respect human life and dignity, the genuine Christendom principles, will have to flee. I imagine he doesn’t mean actual Christians because there are a lot of them in the world already, don’t you think? Well, genuine Christians and Churchgoers actually are the ones who show up on the scene and try to make a difference for the poor and actually help to take care of the less fortunate, or maybe just leave some stubs in the paths they walk on their way to actually fulfilling their God’s burning mission of spreading the Gospel. Heck, even Jesus is a bit surprised at times why the stubs are left on the paths He has chosen to walk on. At least, I hope He is a wise enough person to show us how to fix the problems instead of just placating us with the stubs, and I hope nobody notices the problem in the first place. Now that’s good, is it not?