A Circular Beast or An Evil Person – Which Artist Draws You?

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I was introduced to Artistic Illustration by a friend in 2006. I was intrigued by the notion that an individual can take a few simple lines of text and expose it to an outrageous degree of attitude. Be it a lovesick heart or devilish envy, the lines of text make an irreverent impression. It leaves an impression of the unknown. Immediately I was inspired by interpretations that focused on anger.

Before long, I was observing the simple exhibits of a selfish imagination. It had a unique way of expressing itself. It vs. I; you vs. me. One line, in particular, caught my attention. And then, I understood that a certain style of speaking was applied to this message. It was humorous, but it had a surprising level of truth at the same time.

“Good Friday” is a day that everyone prepares themselves for. It is the day that Christians pray the crucial and final prayer to His Father. He was in agony, but He made his desires known to the Father. “Our father, who art in heaven” is something that we all know. But, on this day, there is a different meaning attached to the way that the lines of text are read.

I sat with the simple text, and I began to question the way that it was presented. The inherent meaning really puzzled me. Finally, I have the courage to ask the Lord. “Lord, what is the inherent meaning of these/”The lines of the Christmas candle spell in question deviated from the normal format; thus, the omission of the line breaks.

I have learned to never present the work that I should be presented for approval to anyone. I present my work to the Father, and I present it in the way that it is the best gift that I could present. I present it in the way that God has presented it to me. I then praise the Lord, presenting my gifts to the public. I present my gifts not to impress anyone. Rather, my gifts are presented out of my love and service to the Lord.

I present my gifts on the grounds of my love for all men, my past life, and my current life. I present my gifts on the grounds of my relationship with Christ. I present my gifts, and I re-search the manner in which they will be presented. I re-read the attached poem multiple times and amended the poem as indicated in the attached poem.

After having re-read and altered the poem, I have decided that these words should be presented in the poem as originally written. Even though the words are wrong, I feel that the spirit of the poem is still there. So, I will use the word “we” in the poem, but I will present the poem in its original form and I will present it in its entirety.

I have presented the poem below in its entirety because it allows us to go through the process of discovering our own individual ways of interpreting this beautiful poem.

Good Friday is a very important day. For those five days before that, we were allowed to vary freely and kill each other. We could kill each other whenever we chose, and it was the most glorious day ever. Good Friday is the day that Moses laid hands on a Burning Bush and sent it into the waters. As the waters of the burning bush spread, God miraculously divided the water into two, giving each side half of the water. As the scarlet color spread with the moving waters, God sent forth the fountains of oracle and Choice. The four choices of Choice contained within the scarlet water turned out to be the word of God, Everlasting Love, Everlasting Fountains, Green Light, Red glossy Flower, Red metal.

I will present this poem from my Bible, highlighting the verse where it correctly applies to us:

Good Friday is a very important day. For those five days before that, we were allowed to vary freely and kill each other. We could kill each other whenever we chose, and it was the most glorious day ever. Good Friday is the day that Moses laid hands on a Burning Bush and sent it into the waters. As the waters of the burning bush spread, God miraculously divided the water into two, giving each side half of the water. As the scarlet color spread with the moving waters, God sent forth the fountains of oracle and Choice. The four choices of Choice contained within the scarlet water turned out to be the word of God, Everlasting Love, Everlasting Fountains, Green Light, and Red glossy nail.

While standing on the bank of theilly water, I spoke to God, looking to where the moon lies on the following Sunday. I sang a worship song to Him and felt His spirit entering and blessing my very being as he drifted to shore.

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