Spiritual Growth – Slow and Steady

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“The future is not here, the past is always here. The future is not here; the past is always here.”

-Rabindranath Tagore

I am no stranger to the world of metaphysics; somewhere, I discovered the mantle of spirituality and want to travel the world and learn about different beliefs. I am a Hindu by birth but have also developed a great respect for Buddha. I respect the teachings of both Hinduism and Buddhism. As metaphysicians, or ” seekers”, we should be open to other philosophies, belief systems, and ideologies.

I find it fascinating that two basic philosophies of life can be so contrasting in their expressions, and yet, singing together pulled together by a common aliveness or spirit.

Life is a constant change, and the age-old concept of the “me” and the “mine” is indeed very old.

All of us want to break free from the seemingly immutable laws of nature. As it turns out, there are a few STEppingstones that we can use to ride this transition-or. Better yet; ride the wave!

So what is this wave? First of all, let’s look at the opposite word…

The swell of a wave is a constant as it seeks to take on a new shape. It seeks that new and better way to ride. As the wave evolves, it fills the ocean and turns upward. The wave encounters a bumpy ride as it enters a chamber of air. The spray is a constant again, but the wave is altered by it. Water is dampened, and the wave is less violent. The wave passes through a gap and encounters another chamber of air; it is exhilarated by it. The spray must be evolved, much as the wave encounters a chamber of air in a very small chamber. The rough ride over rough oceans was a major factor in the evolution of the wave.

The ride of life is the same as the ride of a wave. Let go of that resistance and just ride.

Many people argue about the meaning of destiny. The argument is that everything happens for a reason. The meaning is really to become.

So what is this evolution that we are? Just ride, and become part of nature. A wave will always be a wave. A pool of water is always going to be a pool of water. We are water.

We are meant to be dynamics! Not a bunch of avionics: but energies.

We all have our areas of natural power. Suppose we vibrate consistently with natural energies as a member of a group of energy, as a vibration of mind and spirit, as a vibration of the essence of ourselves. In that case, we are the natural and harmonious vibrations of life.

Such harmonious energies, when we come in contact with them, flow in and through us as waves. If we dampen and subdue these energies, we are separated from them: we are cut off from them.

A spirit is a center of harmonious energy. A person is a center of harmony. The harmony is in the connection and the harmony is in the relationship.

When the two become a wholeness, there is increased vibration or energy flow, not because of an evacuating situation or a shifting circumstance, but because the energies of the two energies or vibrations are now a part of our own total.

As in a bath where the water is running inward, and the sound a little like crashing waves of a river, then our bodies also have heightened vibrations and frequencies.

But Rising above this physical dimension will expand our consciousness and enlarge our consciousness and begins to realize a much broader range of energies.

Our body’s vibrations are a little slower than the fluctuating waves. Yet rhythms are intrinsically a part of our being. Just by relaxing for a while into floating in a pool of water, you feel the vibration of the water, its pressures, temperature, and acidity. And you are open to noticing other bodies of water that are similar. They seem to be everywhere or flow in and out of your body. Often, you feel THEIR vibrations.

In a similar way, the rhythms of our lives are a little more constant. We feel their vibrations in certain places and at certain times. And when we are with them, our body and soul resonate with their vibrations.

By just becoming to be aware of these vibrations, you begin to feel a little of the peace that is immortality.

And you see that with whole-body vibrations, you can choose to increase the body’s vibrations. You can become more alive.

OK. I’ve read about this, but what does it mean?

This is what is important to understand about the quality of life, not quality of health, although they are intimately related: quality of life is eternal, not just another commodity of this world.

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