Category Archives: Spirituality Information

The Apostle Paul’s Threefold Ministry of Spiritual Warfare

To begin with, we should realize that Paul was an octogenarian. He is said to have been present at the birth of Jesus and the resurrection, and many variations of his name have been used to refer to him. He was beset by adversaries (Galatians), so it would be difficult to defend him as being anything other than a mustard seed Christian. Later writers had roundly criticized the Philippians, so it is assumed that Paul had dealt with this. The Gospels make no mention or reference to […]

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Reality and the Creation of Subordinate Systems of Reality

The actual reality is one that is in harmony with the inner voice of the one who experiences it. The voice may come from the God, from the Archangel, or from another person. The creation of a real system in which a person experiences reality is done through the following four steps. First, the event causes a person to forget his real self and to believe the dream to be his reality. Second, the person thinks the dream is reality and seeks to implement it in his […]

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There May Be Times in Your Life When You Feel Completely Spent, But These are vulnerability Issues!

There are times when you may feel as though you are so totally “spent” that you have no more tokens to spend for more ‘quick goals… But the fact is that as long as you DO continue to seek to progress to greater glory in Christ, you will continue to encounter challenges to increase your discipleship. Hence, the phrase “Perseverance is the key to overcoming” (Excerpt from author’s book…will repent) Perseverance simply means ” Keeping awake”. But what does it mean in the context of our subject […]

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What is God Doing?

The creative aspect of God is most known. In the creation of all things, he had such an intense desire for his own existence that he chose to create living things just for its enjoyment; to fill the void of where he would be, and so he formed the world as we now know it. Another aspect of God is the whatever, whatever it is that he is doing; whatever it is that he is the most passionate about, and so it is the evangelism of God […]

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How to Recognize the Spiritual Person?

When you want to know the kind of person you represent, you have to get to know their nature. The nature of a person is expressed in many ways. You can know their nature by their actions and their way of life. You have to get to know their nature by observing their deeds. By studying their actions, you can discern the person’s genuine intention. And when you observe their actions, you will know the person’s true nature. The nature of a person is expressed in their […]

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Mental Health in Student-Athletes

As an athletic trainer, I mostly see athletic-related injuries that range from contusions to concussions to ACL tears. What a lot of people don’t see after an injury occurs is how the student-athlete handles the mental stress of dealing with an injury. Some injuries can keep athletes out for a day, week, month, or a full season. When an athlete suffers an injury, there can be a lot of thoughts racing through their brain, such as: “I don’t want the coach to be mad at me”, “I […]

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