What is God Doing?

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The creative aspect of God is most known. In the creation of all things, he had such an intense desire for his own existence that he chose to create living things just for its enjoyment; to fill the void of where he would be, and so he formed the world as we now know it. Another aspect of God is the whatever, whatever it is that he is doing; whatever it is that he is the most passionate about, and so it is the evangelism of God through his creation. He gives out the fruits that his heart so devoutly desires. He has poured his very essence into the universe and is still pouring out his essence into new worlds. If we can be open to perceive such a reality, then is the extent of our possibility of behind the action of God, is beyond comprehension and infinite possibilities.

Our soul deals directly with God. Just as the heart deals directly with the physical stimuli of the body, our soul deals directly with the spiritual stimuli of God. Thus, for those who have closed their perception to the reality beyond the body and are adherents to the “wise” arguments in favor of belief in a power far greater, they suggest that the essence of God is not anonymous universal energy but rather “that” the energy is “God”. By extension, those that believe in the power itself are certain that it is Infinite and cannot be finite. An aspect of belief that is quite popular today, and the most elusive of all beliefs, is that “God” is everywhere. Think of the song “All You Beloved Ones”.

The song goes: Love is in all things. Don’t you want to rule the world? Don’t you want to reign forever? Don’t you want to release the pressure of living with all the… well… mystery? You know the mystery, baby, it’s called God.

There was a time when I would have agreed with the majority of humankind, who at a certain time in history, called upon this mystery power and applied it to their lives; I would have said that the secret was out there and available to all who wanted it. Today the mystery is virtually lost. If the secret were here, it is either greatly hidden or else it is not available at all. The popular argument in favor of God is based on the idea that it is ” everywhere”. If this were the case, there would be nothing preventing one from going to God and submitting a list of desired results, and the only question that would arise out of this would be “How do I get to God”.

For over five thousand years, humanity has expressed what he would consider a lack of need for God. Perhaps for the lack of a greater understanding of the symbological or mystical union between the masculine and the feminine characteristics of God, or perhaps for the mere fact that by the time the masculine aspects of God were introduced to the feminine, it was essentially lost from consciousness. Perhaps it simply is not known to the greater collective consciousness as to the real meaning of the concept of God, or perhaps it is lost because the current understandings do not provide a satisfactory explanation for the apparent rationalization of pain, suffering, and death as a means of recording the progress of life.

However, the root of the problem lies in the way the individual consciousness has been similarly conditioned, whether consciously or unconsciously. The modern collective consciousness supports a view of the human being, limiting God’s capabilities to that of a puny emission of raw energy, unlimited potential, which can only be expressed on the surface of the planet and on our subjectivities within the physical universe. This is the view that expresses skepticism toward the possibility of any meaningful relationship between the unknowable and the unknowable.

For the sake of argument, though, let’s assume that there is a pure relationship between consciousness and energy itself. What would be the point of delving into this relationship? And worse, let’s simply assume that there is no relationship between energy and consciousness!

Concentrates on the unique characteristics of each separate spirit and the relationship between these characteristics, and the relationship between God and the universe. Each spirit, each separate consciousness, has its own experiences in this world. These experiences are added to the effect of the energy, so ultimately, it is the consciousness that is added to the energy.

How then does consciousness add to this energy?

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