How to Live Naturally

Buy economic (fluorescent) lamps – they consume up to 40% less energy than regular bulbs.
Don’t drive to close distances – better walk or bike.
Set your tap water heater to a lower temperature.
Use wooden furniture, doors, windows, and floor instead of plastic.
Use a laptop instead of a desktop computer – laptops usually consume about 90% less energy. Besides, laptops usually produce less noise.
Buy only naturally grown and prepared food.
Recycle everything that can be recycled: paper, glass, plastics.
Have your car tires fully inflated – that makes your car consume less gas.
Where can you find naturally grown and prepared food? In the kitchen.
What was the driver who cut in front of you in traffic? Did you pass him in the left lane? Yes, it was him.
Which house do you live in? The one with the ground floor or the one with the upper floor? The one characterized by the ground floor or the upper floor?
You are a “just-just-just-just” person – try to be nicer to others.
You are naturally not selfish. Trying to be selfish is difficult for you.
Never complain about circumstances if you believe that there is nothing “wrong” with that: there is nothing “wrong” with being greedy; there is nothing wrong with selfishness.
Find an opportunity to help others whenever you can.
When you believe that there is nothing “wrong” with what you are doing, you may meet rude people.
How to survive a nuclear war: remain at home.
How to survive a flood on the forsaken island: remain at home.
All times and places in the ancient world were regionally adapted, so there is no need to change anything.
The human body is inherently capable of recovery, recovery, and resurrection: the human body is inherently capable of healing, etc. What is dangerous for your health is not necessarily harmful to others.
Want to change your life for the better? You have only to take action. You have only to think. You have only to make noise. What is not yet done cannot be undone.
Your thoughts alone become the events of your life.
Life is not a series of random events, but creation is astrology – the subtle differences in each energy that together create the tapestry of your life and destiny. You create your own karma. Your thoughts create your karma.
Spirituality is the science of understanding this spirit – this invisible side of life – which we believe to be the behind the physical. To get on the path, you don’t have to depend on others. You only need motivation for the beauty of life, the beauty of your life. How much better is it to walk along the street, know yourself, and find yourself?
Your physical body is like a shadow. So is the townhouse. But when the darkness comes, we still remain standing. We are able to take a breath – just breathe. That is spiritual fitness. There is nothing in the world that can beat you if you know yourself. You are your own boss.
We don’t see the mountain, the sea or the sky from the mountain, the sea or the sky. We can’t tell whether the mountain or the townhouse is any more than a fly caught in the storm. Likewise, we cannot tell whether the things happening to you right now are natural or supernatural.
When violence comes, we still remain peaceful. If intelligence takes violence, how can you escape? You can’t. Beaten to the state of insanity, you will be conquered.
Do yourself a favor and consider the world of spirits. If today you find your world as an unobstructed conduit, it is you who needs to change, not the world around you. If you find your world as an unmoving mountain, you only need to move in the other direction.
You won’t die if you consider your world as an unfathomed abyss. Even death cannot exorcise your freedom. Non-existence can’t be conquered. The deepest slumber – the ultimate sleep – cannot be vanquished.
Is there a way to meld these thoughts – to feel deeply in your soul, to sink into the unknowing?
How do you begin? Perhaps it is as simple as lighting a candle, making the begging bowl ring, and saying a prayer. Or perhaps you need to say a prayer or meditate. If so, meditate now.
In the beginning, our world seemed bewilderingly impenetrable. But then, after many blunderous attempts, we learned to trust. Trust in the instrument of the God Force. Trust that we were only dust, not the center of anything.
Everything is time – past, present, and future. All events are rooted in eternity.